Mayor of Koalaville

Robert L. Williams Jr. Ed.S., NCC, NCSC
Greetings Parents/Guardians/Students,
My name is Robert L. Williams Jr and I serve as the school counselor for Susie P. Trigg Elementary School. I have been a school counselor for 13 years. During my educational and professional time I have obtained an Educational Specialist Degree in Counseling, and recognized as both a National Certified Counselor and a National Certified School Counselor. My goal is as always to help students achieve success and reach their highest potential. I do this by helping them work through various issues or hardships they may have that might contribute to them not being as successful as they would like. I am eclectic in my counseling theory orientation, which means that I use techniques from a variety of theories to help work with students. Feel free to reach out to me at any point during the school year. I am excited to work with you and your child in ensuring that this will be a great year!
My Mission
The mission of the school counseling program at Susie P. Trigg Elementary School is to provide each student with the services vital to assist their academic, career and personal/social development. Through counseling, consultation, collaboration, and coordination, the school counselor works diligently to support all members of the Susie P. Trigg Elementary School community. Using a variety of service delivery systems, the school counselor will help students make appropriate choices and important decisions.