
MAGNOLIA is a database that provides students and researchers in the state access to reliable, academic peer-reviewed journals and curated age-appropriate content which are not available through public searches.
To access the database:
1. Click on "MAGNOLIA
2. Click "Sign In"
3. See the librarian for the access code.

Destiny is the site used to find books located in Trigg Elementary School's library.
To search for a book:
1. Click on "TRIGG'S
2. Click on Susie Trigg
Elementary School
3. Type in the title or author of
the book.

Kid's Educational Websites
Washington County Library Systems
Links users to the Washington County Library System
Allows users to access read-aloud books
Allows to access videos and activities that support learning at home.
Offers practice exercises and instructional videos for math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, and more.
National Geographic Kids (Prek-5th)
Provides games, videos, and information about animals and places to explore.

Kid's (FUN) Websites
Allows users to explore games, videos, and art activities.
Provides activities, crafts, recipes, and learning guides.
Provides educational games and activities for elementary students.
Provides computer games that are fun and educational.
Provides phonics-based games to improve reading skills.

Professional Development Websites
The following websites provide professional development opportunities for teachers:
Mississippi Department of Education
North Mississippi Education Consortium
Delta Area Association for Improvement of Schools